Lusiana Natali Simanjuntak,

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

Somebody as The Motivation for learning

As a student , of course we often feel boredom in learning especially with subjects that are difficult to understand and remember our lecturer unfriendly . When we begin to feel bored to learn , we need a motivator who can support us to get back to have the spirit of learning , and who can make our personal motivator in this case ? ? ?

3 Person who can give motivation to learn :
      1 . Parents
              When we begin to study , know that our parents wait for the results of the best of us . Not a few parents are willing to spend what they have to finance their children's education . Think of their labor , and make it to be our motivation to learn .

     2 . friend

     socially are bad , ruin good habits . For that , we need to choose friends who can make us better than ever . A good friend will definitely support the positive things we are doing and provide motivation .

      3 . lover
For this one personally , do not promise to give motivation for everyone . However, many students are also motivated to increase the value , because this personal . We should first consider whether we could have a lover or motivated if it makes us become lazy . Leave if harm us , and proceed when it is a positive thing .

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